
Item 1. Letter Template

Dear neighbour,

[INSERT] - Community Group 

Why join?

  1. Community

  2. Low energy living

  3. Climate resilience

Hi, my name is [INSERT] and I live at [INSERT HOUSE NO.] in the [INSERT] Postcode and I want to be part of a resilient, low energy local community for greater communication, well-being and climate-safe living with the residents around me. I have created a Facebook group called Residents of [INSERT] and have just been calling on residents to introduce myself and obtain their numbers to add to a [INSERT] WhatsApp Group Chat that I am setting up. 

I am also hosting a community connection event: [INSERT DETAILS]

Unfortunately, you weren’t in when I called, so if you’d like to be added to the WhatsApp Group Chat, please fill in the slip below and return to [INSERT NAME] at [INSERT HOUSE NO.] If you would rather not join our WhatsApp Group Chat, please search us up on Facebook: “Residents of [INSERT]”. If neither of these options appeal to you right now/are not suitable, that’s completely fine. This is all voluntary. Just know I am here at [INSERT HOUSE NO.] and don’t be afraid to ask for help :)


House number:   ___________

Name:  ____________________________________

Mobile number for use on [INSERT] WhatsApp Group ONLY: